Bio and Notes: My beautiful girl Aubrey
“Orby Girl” “Chocolate Drops”
is the most adorable furbaby there is. She is now 18 months old
and is pregnant with her first litter. She came to us at 8 weeks
old and is the puppy of my sister’s girl Amity Millie. (Also an
Amity Labradoodle Guardian Girl).
This is our first labradoodle and I honestly feel it’s the best
breed for families. She is the perfect combination of everything
beautiful about owning dogs.
She has the mischievousness of a labrador and the intelligence
of a poodle, gives everything a go once, but hates to
upset us and learns quickly how to keep in the good books.
not your typical labrador eater, she is particular about her food
and even more weird about when she eats, preferring to wait
until everyone is in bed and lights out before eating her nightly
meal. She loves human food, crisps but not chips, and you can
keep your vegetables…
When I get home from the grocery store she runs to see what’s
in the bags, goes straight past the hot chicken looking for
anything fluffy or crinkly…. she is a toy bandit. Has many toys,
and pink pigs are the absolute favourites. i
I don’t know how she can tell but her behaviour completely
changes when meeting very young children or sick animals.
very gently anyway, she becomes quiet and careful. She once
caught a peewee in her mouth. It had flown inside accidentally.
she gently bought it to hubby and let him take it from her mouth.
Said peewee is still in residence in the backyard.
Orby just loves coming with us anywhere.
In the car, head out the window, or in the golf buggy. We take her to cafe’s and
she sits beside us even when other dogs are around.
Reading this back, it reads as if I have the perfect pet.
Doooo. She is the apple of our eye, can’t wait to get home to her
when I’m out, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have the little
Princess in my life.